The CE mark in a product is its passport, meaning that it can be sold throughout the UE. With the CE mark, the product manufacturer declares that the product meets all the legal requirements stated in the European Directive and that he has carried out all the applicable conformity assessment procedures.
Depending on the Directive, the manufacturer may be required to submit the product to a third party called Notified Body to have the product conformity assessment carried out.

ALTER TECHNOLOGY can provide you with the EU type examination certification for the new Radio Equipment Directive (RED), 2014/53/EU and the new Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive (EMCD), 2014/30/EU thanks to its appointment as Notified Body for both directives.
Radio or wireless technology is key in many technological areas such as Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), Intelligent Transport, Internet of Things (IoT), Remotely Piloted Aircrafts (RPAS). The Notification Body plays a key role in placing a product on the market when there is not a harmonized standard applicable to it.
ALTER TECHNOLOGY´s notification scope as Notified Body 2031 for RED covers the following types of equipment:
•Aeronautical equipment
•Base station for Mobile Networks
•Industrial, Scientific and Medical equipment
•Private/Professional Mobile Radio
•Radio for LAN
•Satellite Earth Station
•Short Range Devices
c/ de la Majada, 3
28760 Tres Cantos - Madrid (SPAIN)
Tel.: +34 91 804-1893