Our next events

Would you like to get in touch with us? Then you have the opportunity to asist to our events. Just take a look at our calendar of events.





ALTER will participate in SEMICON West in the Spanish Pavilion organized by ICEX.

San Francisco, United States, 09-11 July 2024.

Meet our coleague Germán Cuello.

To see the website click here.





We will participate with France in the RADiation Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS) industrial exhibition.

Maspalomas, Canary Islands on September 16 and 20, 2024.

To see the congress website click here.





Space Passive Component Days

We will participate with a booth and a paper at the Space Passive Component Days on October 15 and 18 in Noordwijk, The Netherlands.

To visit the congress website click here. 





Space Tech Expo Europe

We will be participating in the Space Tech Expo 2024 this November 19-21 in Bremen, Germany.

To visit the congress website click here.