A Walk through Space brings the fundamentals of space devices and technologies closer to the general public, showing the benefits they provide to the quality of people's lives. The book is a publication of the Spanish space industry, represented by the ProEspacio Commission of TEDAE, with the collaboration of the European Space Agency.
The book uses simple language and a very attractive look to bring the space closer to the public. In this book, young children will see a spectacular world, typical in the movies, and they will gradually discover that outer space is much more realistic and practical than they think. Young students will find a new alternative to their professional future in it. Ultimately, any reader can learn how the launchers or satellites work and how they benefit our lives, protect the health of the planet and stimulate the economy.
Astronaut Pedro Duque has contributed to the book as godfather and author of the foreword. Undoubtedly, he is the leading figure of space in Spain, having contributed to raise awareness on the benefits provided to our society’s daily life by the technologies developed by the space industry. The support of the ESA, which also participates in its contents, represents an invaluable help to make known the activities of the Spanish space sector through this book.
With the aim of expanding its dissemination among all audiences, in addition to hard copy, the book can be consulted and downloaded free of charge from the website www.unpaseoporelespacio.org