Last 11 February, the workshop on the certification of alarm reception centres was held in Madrid (Tres Cantos), aimed at ARC managers.
The conference dealt with the certification process of an Alarm Receiving Centre according to the European standard EN 50518:2019.
The presentation of the topics was made by expert speakers in each subject. There was an extensive program, covering all key aspects of the certification process of an ARC and analyzing the most important contents of the standard such as the environment, construction, security systems, organization and operation.
The requirements for other areas referred to in the standard itself were also covered, such as Data Processing Centers (Cloud), risk assessment and compliance with the European Data Protection Regulation, GDPR, in force since 2018.
The talks were very well received by the target audience, exceeding the expected participation. Given the interest aroused, similar conferences are planned for Barcelona and Seville in the coming months.
The event was organized by ALTER TECHNOLOGY and TÜV IT, both companies belonging to the TÜV NORD group.
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