Project VIZTA

The overall objective of VIZTA is to develop innovative technologies for optical sensors and laser sources, for short to long-range 3D-imaging, and demonstrate their value in several key applications.

VIZTA: Vision, Identification, with Z-sensing Technologies and key Applications


The overall objective of VIZTA is to develop innovative technologies for optical sensors and laser sources, for short to long-range 3D-imaging, and demonstrate their value in several critical applications.

VIZTA gathers 23 partners from 9 different European countries. The Project is coordinated by STMicroelectronics Crolles (France). Alter Technology is leading the work package Exploitation and Dissemination.

VIZTA was launched on 1 May 2019 for a duration of 42 months (end date 31/10/2022).

This project is supported by a 21 M€ funding from the ECSEL Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 826600.

What is VIZTA?

VIZTA aims at developing innovative technologies in the field of optical sensors and laser sources for short to long-range 3D-imaging and to demonstrate their value in several key applications including automotive, security, smart buildings, mobile robotics for smart cities, and industry 4.0.

A massive deployment of 3D imaging is not yet achieved. The needs and thus the markets are nevertheless there: in security with robust identification of faces with anti-spoofing; in industry with in-line 3D controls; in automotive with affordable and performant LIDARs; in Robotics to enhance the perception capabilities, and in Consumers and gaming for the 3D experience. The main reason is the absence of competitive 3D smart optical sensors technology allowing innovative products and systems awaited by those markets.

VIZTA project tackles this challenge in providing an industrial technology push of innovative 3D optical sensors devices with unprecedented performances together with the excellent demonstrations of systems covering an extensive range of applications and intends to provide some positive impacts on the society.

Individual’s security

These 3D sensors technology will facilitate decentralized local accurate capture of a scene where there is a potential danger, rather than global 2D imaging systems acquiring a considerable amount of data with very few relevant ones.

Digital privacy rights

VIZTA include GDPR compliance studies and will push to maximize individuals control over the generated data from this new technology.

Also, many applications will benefit from these VIZTA project outcomes, 

  • tiny and affordable sensors that give the X, Y and Z position of many thousands of points in the scene and think about the numerous possible usages. Depending on the targeted Z range (distance), a few of those usages can be stated,
    • face recognition
    • gesture control
    • driver monitoring
    • industrial control for short-range (under 1 meter);
    • smart buildings,
    • mobile robots,
    • drones and security for a few meters range;
    • security of transport with LiDARs for medium/long-range

visit VIZTA webpage 

visit VIZTA's Linkedin page


Project organization and consortium