The SATLANTIS iSIM 170 camera launched last week arrives today to the International Space Station
iSIM is a new generation high-resolution binocular optical payload telescope for Earth observation. The prototype will be installed on the JAXA External Facility platform on the ISS, which provides a sample environment and operational conditions for testing the device.
Alter Technology tested both the circuit boards and the telescope. The tests performed were EMC, vibration, thermal and mechanical cycles, radiation and thermal vacuum.
The iSIM telescope was developed by the company Satlantis Microsat. This standard integrated microsatellite imager is a new generation high-resolution optical binocular telescope for Earth observation.
iSIM 170 will take images of our planet at less than one metre resolution. A combination of technologies including optical, mechanical, electronic and artificial intelligence algorithms achieves high spatial resolution at a significantly lower cost compared to traditional imaging systems of similar performance. This experiment demonstrates the technology and its functionality in the low-Earth orbit environment.