Autonomous indoor drone with 5G and advanced vision and artificial intelligence capabilities for logistics monitoring.


The idea for the future is that drones will be able to perform all kinds of tasks such as checking high areas, locating items or other tasks.

With the consolidation of e-commerce channels, the automation of inventory management has become essential in the logistics sector. However, barriers such as legal restrictions, cost, limited autonomy of drones and technological shortcomings have limited their mass application.

DRONSTORE is positioned to overcome these limitations, focusing on the development of an autonomous navigation prototype that allows the monitoring of incidents in logistics warehouses, positioning the Spanish industry as a leader in this field.

The need for automation becomes evident with the growth of the sector, and DRONSTORE aims to overcome the current limitations in autonomy, indoor localization, functional technologies and automation solutions.


This is an innovative initiative involving six entities: Dronomy, Alter Technology, Stimulo, IOVI, Logistics Inventory Services and secpho as coordinator. In addition, it has the collaboration of PCAMI (Park and Center of Supply of Intendancy Material of the Army), one of the main logistic centers of supply of materials of our country. It is a project that has been a beneficiary of the Next Generation EU funds channeled by the Ministry of Industry and Tourism within the support program for Innovative Business Groups.

For more information click here.