4th Seminar on Electronics Under Harsh Environment

Different aspects of the effect of radiation on electronic components and systems will be discussed.

Within the framework of the Chair of Alter Technology and the University of Seville, next November 3rd at 15:30, the "4th Seminar on Electronics Under Harsh Environment" will take place.


The event will be virtual and open, and can be accessed through the Blackboard platform


With three renowned speakers and touching on different aspects of the effect of radiation on electronic components and systems.

  • 15:30. “RadiationDamage in SiliconDevices”. Dr.Michael Moll, CERN.
  • 16:30. “TheatmosphericradiationenvironmentDr. Philippe CALVEL, Senior SpaceRadiation Expert at radconsult.eu.
  • 17:30. “Theatmosphericradiationeffects at electronicslevelDr. Philippe CALVEL, radconsult.eu
  • 18:30. “Characterisation of environmental radiation vulnerability in CMOS" Dr. Ricardo Ascazubi, Intel Corp.