The integration of Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) components into space applications is a topic of increasing relevance…
The integration of Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) components into space applications is a topic of increasing relevance…
El Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico y la Innovación (CDTI) ha adjudicado a la UTE HACES-DONES conformada por EDAIR…
En este webinar, Diego Mínguez, Cybersecurity Project Manager, explicará la evolución del marco normativo para equipos…
Japan has signed a Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) for telecommunications equipment with the United States, the…
Ya está disponible la tercera edición del Plan de Igualdad de ALTER
A principios del mes de febrero, Alter Technology se sumaba a Drone City Connect como patrocinadora, impulsando la "Zona…
El Gobierno ha aprobado el Anteproyecto de Ley de Coordinación y Gobernanza de la Ciberseguridad, una nueva normativa…
The strategic project with ESA, "Reliability of Non-Hermetic Optical Transceivers", successfully concluded after its…
Our Materials and Processes Laboratory has successfully expanded the scope of ISO17025 accreditation to include the…
ALTER | HTV puts new chip and wafer test technologies into operation
ALTER ha sido seleccionado para desarrollar el proyecto de “Gestión de las infraestructuras de ensayos en la Comunidad…
The Spanish military satellite SPAINSAT NG is now in space. Early this morning, SPAINSAT NG I successfully took off from…
We attended the Winter Satellite Workshop in Helsinki, Finland, again this year. Throughout the event, we were at our…
Virtual Lab has been recognized with a Good Practice Certificate
Our initiative, "Virtual Lab: Innovation and…
The European Space Agency (ESA) has awarded ALTER SPACE TEST CENTER an official certification to conduct satellite…
ALTER supports Fundación Adecco in its mission to accelerate the workplace inclusion of people with disabilities
En este webinar, Diego Mínguez, Project Manager de Ciberseguridad en ALTER, explicará la estructura, conceptos clave y…
We look forward to seeing you at Electronica2024 at our stand 554 in hall A3!
As the world’s leading trade fair,…
Join us at the Space Tech Expo in Bremen! Visit us at stand T55, Hall 6. Our team will be delighted to connect and…
As the world’s leading trade fair, every two years electronica provides a comprehensive update of the rapidly developing…
SETELECO project
State Secretariat for Telecommunications and Digital Infrastructures
ALTER provides support…
ALTER as one of the main contractors for the ITER project (Fusion Nuclear), an international project involving millions…
Our amazing team is participating in the 2024 Space Challenge Hackathon!
This is the moment to showcase all the talent,…
The 23rd QA&TEST Embedded International Conference will bring together international experts in software testing and…
ALTER UK Achieves ISO 45001 and ISO 14001 Certifications, Reinforcing Commitment to Occupational Health, Safety, and…
After a year of intensive testing, the European Space Agency's (ESA) Hera mission is ready to depart from Europe to its…
ALTER se suma con entusiasmo a esta celebración mediante una serie de eventos, entre los cuales se incluyen las Jornadas…
ALTER has signed a mutual recognition agreement with DSPR, the Japanese Radio Notified Body, for testing and…
Join the TSI.PROFESSIONAL Data Center Training on November 19-21 in Madrid. Learn from TÜV NORD experts and earn a…
We are excited to present these presentations at RADECS 2024:
Data Workshop (DW)
By offering heavy gauge wire bonding locally, we’re providing our customers with a vital service that supports their…
Black Square, Hercules X4 and Hercules X8 Achieve C3 Class Certification!
This achievement means they can now be…
LISA, the third large-size mission within ESA's Cosmic Vision plan, will be the first space mission designed to observe…
ALTER add 12” wafer dicing capability to their UK packaging facility.
ALTER TECHNOLOGY UK, part of TUV NORD group, are…
Last Week, Alter, as the prime contractor and in partnership with Alen Space and Catec, presented to the European Space…
La sesión será impartida por Raúl Rivera, Jefe de proyecto en ALTER.
Autonomous indoor drone with 5G and advanced vision and artificial intelligence capabilities for logistics monitoring.
The project was funded by Next Generation EU funds channeled by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism.
Diego Mínguez Sánchez y Diego Alba Huelva impartieron una formación de Ciberseguridad en la empresa Grupo Amper.
Normativa Europea: Marcado de Clase para drones 2024 (RPASDrones)
El uso de aeronaves no tripuladas (UAS), conocidas…
ALTER will participate in SEMICON West in the Spanish Pavilion organized by ICEX.
San Francisco, United States, 09-11…
Ya está vigente el nuevo estándar referido a la Ciberseguridad de Vehículos ENX VCS.
La Auditoría de Ciberseguridad de…
Los días 12 y 13 de junio de 2024, ALTER participará en el evento RADSHIELD 2024, que tendrá lugar en ESA/ESTEC.
Next Wednesday, June 5th, Matt Booker, Commercial Director of ALTER UK, will present and participate in a panel session…
Alter UK, has been awarded a contract by Innovate UK contract for CAPTIVATE, development of a Co-Packaged Optical…
Conferencia internacional sobre Testing y Calidad en Sistemas Embebidos.
La 23ª edición de QA&TEST Embedded…
ALTER will be EnVision's CPPA (Central Parts Procurement Agency). Our role will be to carry out engineering,…
Since last October, ALTER is involved in the project SIPRES, funded by the European Space Agency, intended to integrate…
Alter Technology and Luceda Photonics Collaborate to Introduce Assembly Design Kit (ADK) for Precision Assembly Services…
We are delighted to inform you that we have entered into a partnership agreement with Microrel for the Italian market.
Join us from 22 to 26 April 2024 when leading companies from the mechanical, electrical, digital and energy industries…
Our colleagues from TÜVIT will be speaking at CYSAT this year. Ensure you don't miss their talks on April 24th and 25th!
We are pleased to announce that we have successfully obtained the ISO/IEC 27001:2022 certification, which is recognized…
ALTER has successfully concluded the procurement of the PLATO satellite
We have the first Management Meeting for our new Digital & Semiconductor business unit!
It was a pleasure meeting our…
Queremos felicitar a nuestro cliente Germans Boada, por el gran avance que han logrado al incorporar dos nuevas normas…
ALTER participó como patrocinador en las III jornadas sobre la gestión de movilidad urbana celebrada en zaragoza los…
Workshop for small satellites designers, technicians, developers & launchers.
February 20-22, 2024. Málaga (Spain)
La Regulación Delegada (EU) 2019/945, la serie de normas prEN 4709.
Un consorcio formado por el Instituto de Fotomedicina, Radiantis, Alter Technology, Draco Systems y Vidorreta Design,…
SICUR is the major international reference in Spain for Security. Every two years, it brings together in Madrid…
The companies announced that they have started a cooperation for production and testing of Radiation-Hard ASICs for…
It will serve as the grand finale of the European Space Week.
Photonics is the science that studies the generation, detection and application of photons or particles of light.…
We look forward to seeing you in Granada!
Dr Stenkamp and Luis Gomez visited Alter Technology UK’s manufacturing site in Scotland. During the site tour, Dr. Dirk…
ALTER TECHNOLOGY TÜV NORD UK Ltd has been awarded a new ESA contract, funded under the ARTES programme and supported by…
En el marco de la celebración de la Semana Mundial del Espacio, hoy 4 de octubre, ha tenido lugar el II Congreso…
Ellas Vuelan Alto organiza una mesa redonda con motivo de la Semana Mundial del Espacio
Certificación de Sistemas de Gestión
Caramuel, primera misión geoestacionaria de distribución cuántica de claves
Las pymes que participen en esta línea recibirán una ayuda de hasta 20.000 €
ALTER will participate in the Airspace Integration Congress 2023
Enigma People Solutions just released the 2nd part of our inspiring interview with Una Marvet!
IEEE Space Mission Challenges for Information Technology - IEEE Space Computing Conference (Caltech, NASA Jet Propulsion…
ALTER has recently updated the cryostat capacities adding a close loop Helium cryostat
Regulation of the European Parliament on machinery and repealing Directive
ALTER is going to participate in the 26th edition of the European Microwave Week
Modification of the EN 50518 standard for the construction and management of Alarm Receiving Centers
On June 14, the Cybersecurity Conference organized by the TEDAE Cybersecurity Commission took place
ALTER’s participation in the conference 'Job opportunities for young people in fusion'
ALTER carried out the electromagnetic compatibility, vibration and SRS tests on the Hera gravimeter.
ALTER, has played a crucial role in the success of the Copernicus missions.
ALTER participates in this project that develops a navigation system responsible for localization, control, and path…
Del 14 al 16 de junio, Sevilla acogerá este evento como punto de encuentro de investigadores y profesionales vinculados…
Ayer tuvo lugar la reunión anual de ALTER de la Cátedra Alter Technology Desarrollo e Innovación en Fotónica con la…
Participa M.ª Amor Domínguez, nuestra colaboradora en temas de ciberseguridad,
The company was delighted with the visit of the Minister of Local Administration and Digitalisation, Carlos Izquierdo…
QA&TEST Embedded, conferencia anual dedicada a las pruebas de software y aseguramiento de calidad en sistemas embebidos.
Las pruebas, realizadas por ALTER han evaluado la fiabilidad de lectura de matrículas de la cámara de Hikvision.
El proyecto DIGISOLAR acaba de terminar, con un gran éxito, los ensayos de single evento con iones pesados.
The Quantum Technology Vision Paper recently published by Technology Scotland summarises the current status of the…
Cooperation relies on quantum mechanical methods to develop a new security standard.
Launch, scheduled for 13 April, will open an eight-year voyage to Jupiter
Alter took part in the Quantum episode of a podcast for the Glasgow Innovation District called ‘Door to the District’,…
ALTER participa en la II Feria Congreso Profesional de plataformas y aplicaciones para sistemas no tripulados.
Watersense, un dispositivo portátil para el análisis rápido e in-situ de microorganismos en el agua.
Un año más, la empresa SQS organiza su conferencia QA&TEST Safety and Cybersecurity, los días 26 y 27 de abril en…
El proyecto DIGISOLAR, sensor solar con tecnología andaluza para satélites, supera un hito importante al mostrar alta…
Con motivo del día internacional de la mujer, se han realizado unas magníficas entrevistas a nuestros directivos.
Alter UK is looking foward to attending the Insititute of Physics event "Building a Vision for Quantum in Scotland" at…
In this webinar we will answer the questions #UAV manufacturers facing the new regulation may have.
Alter participa de la mano de Demetrio López en la experiencia en proyectos de HE-Espacio desde el punto de vista del…
TÜV NORD GROUP acquires a majority stake in the semiconductor and electronics specialists HTV and HTV Conservation,…
El objetivo del Comité de partes es velar por, la independencia y el buen funcionamiento en los procesos de…
"Características de inmunidad. Límites y métodos de medida"
The British Chamber of Commerce in Germany e.V. (BCCG) (Hartmann Ilka & Alexander Altmann) and the Glasgow Chamber of…
El proyecto de sensor solar con tecnología andaluza para satélites recibe una subvención del programa para Agrupaciones…
Silicon Catalyst is the world's only incubator + accelerator focused on semiconductor solutions, including Photonics,…
ARTEMIS 1, NASA's first major milestone to return humans to the Moon, was successfully launched yesterday, 16 November…
The VIZTA ECSEL Project and its consortium confirmed significant outcomes in Technologies and Applications systems
TALENT Project to Develop Optical Tapered Amplifiers for Quantum Sensors & Clocks
The initiative aims to get Andalusian companies to join the space race
CEOE and AIRBUS team up for conference on commercialization and privatization of space activities
Alter France receives a SME label from CNES for EEE activities on components.
On 19 and 21 October we held the ACCEDE workshop on COTS components in Seville, organized by ALTER and ESA.
ALTER and ETSIT UPM team up for a workshop on microwave photonics this November
ALTER test laboratories devoted to Small Satellites have just received the statement of compliance
ALTER Technology has issued the first European Class C3 Open Category Certificate to Quantum-Systems GmbH with its…
Strategic investment to combine AI-based image analysis with certification services.
Alter Technology UK, has announced the start of mass production of semiconductor integrated circuits (microchips) into…
El sistema informático rápidamente restaurado después de un ciberataque
1st INSQT Workshop will be held on Wednesday 3rd to Friday 5th August 2022
JOSCAR is a collaborative tool used by the aerospace, defence and security industry to act as a single repository for…
ALTER TECHNOLGY has been awarded the contract for the development of the prototype of STUMM (Start-Up Monitoring…
2 abstracts with Alter Technology France and 2 from Spain have been accepted for RADECS 2022.
Connecting, informing, and inspiring the global compound semiconductor, integrated photonic circuits and sensors…
Alter Technology TUV Nord has opened a Photonics Design Centre in Glasgow, at the University of Strathclyde, to…
The collaboration is to evaluate the conformity of their product range of Unmanned Aircraft System.
Applications in High-Impact Sectors brings together examples from the "Innovative Ecosystem with Artificial Intelligence…
ALTER TECHNOLOGY is becoming a fundamental actor in the field of Hi-Rel Semiconductors (HRS).
Alter Technology will provide conformity according to Regulation 2019/945
The Quantico project was centred around a terahertz imaging system developed based on terahertz to optical conversion in…
Alter Technology will provide conformity according to Regulation 2019/945
ARIEL, stands for Atmospheric Remote-sensing Infrared Exoplanet Large-survey
Alter Technology y la CNA participaron en el acto de clausura con el proyecto PRECEDER
TRACE project comes to an end with a flight demonstrator that will take place on 2 December at the ATLAS centre in…
Presentation of the basics and state of the art in InP-based Photonics Integrated Circuits (PICs)
Different aspects of the effect of radiation on electronic components and systems will be discussed.
Artículo en SEGURITECNIA por Mª Amor Domínguez, Responsable de Desarrollo de Negocio de TÜViT. Experta en CRA y…
Last week Isabellenhütte awarded Alter Technology with the " Best Newcomer Distributor 2020".
Drones para Incrementar Eficiencia, Seguridad y Protección del Medio Ambiente en Mantenimiento de Infraestructura
Women in Aerospace (WIA-E) is the European networking platform for women in leadership positions in the aerospace…
The Consortium VVA Brussels and Alter Technology win a project for the 5G Automotive Association, Germany
El impacto de las tecnologías en la gestión de alarmas: nuevos retos y oportunidades
Thermo-Mechanical Analysis Of Plastic Encapsulated Microelectronics (TMA)
Alter Technology has developed a new test capability included in the "REDUCED EMC TEST METHOD FOR RADIATED EMISSION AND…
Nueva tecnología láser para monitorizar la calidad de los componentes ópticos para satélites de observación terrestre
ALTER TECHNOLOGY to set up new Photonics Design Centre in Scotland, UK to accelerate commercialisation of Photonic…
En el marco del proyecto GRACE, Alter Technology ha validado la capacidad de operación de los sensores de radiación de…
Juan Miguel Pulpillo
CDPSE I Abogado Auditor de Entornos Tecnológicos I
The project will help users to know at the design stage whether a component is suitable for their instrument, thus…
"Cold atom based inertial navigation systems rely on reduced SWAP-C laser modules as a key enabling technology to make…
ALTER TECHNOLOGY UK have attained a certification as a registered company on the JOSCAR supplier register as a trusted…
WIA-Europe is a non-profit association that promotes the visibility and leadership of women in the aerospace sector. It…
Equipos de audio y vídeo, de tecnología de la información y la comunicación.
Los sistemas de aeronaves no tripulados (UAS), conocidos por todos como drones, están experimentando un proceso de…
RPS Core Layer Standardization is a project funded by the European Defence Agency (EDA).
Last February 24th Fusion for Energy (F4E) informed ALTER that it had won the contract.
This chamber increases the capacity to carry out EMC and radio tests. It can make measurements at 5 meters, which allows…
Three international missions will arrive at Mars shortly, and all of them have technologies tested at ALTER TECHNOLOGY.
…This seminar is on the frame of the Alter Technology Chair "Development and Innovation in Photonics" with the UPM Higher…
The Alliance program will combine the expertise and capabilities of ALTER TECHNOLOGY with the strengths of Analog…
Plan de Igualdad que busca fomentar una cultura basada en la igualdad y corregir ciertas creencias culturales y…
Hoy entrevistamos a cinco compañeros que llevan 25 años en la empresa. ¿Qué piensan, cómo se sienten, qué les gusta? …
ALTER TECHNOLOGY is working on technological solutions to ensure that they can function safely in shared airspace.
Organised by the "Alter Technology Development and Innovation in Photonics" Chair of the ETSI Telecommunication of the…
Scanning Acoustic Microscopy has revealed as the most effective and complete non-destructive approach for the detection…
A workshop on lidar technology and applications organized by the ALTER-ETSIT chair.
The next technological revolution is in full swing – and the Aerospace division is on board: ALTER TECHNOLOGY TÜV NORD…
Alter Technology has created a virtual platform (CPSA) to provide consultancy services related to electronic components…
Within the framework of the ALTER TECHNOLOGY Chair at the University of Seville, the Third Seminar "Electronics under…
The first drone equipped within the TRACE project took off earlier today bearing an EGNOS-enabled beacon that allows…
This project will extend our portfolio of diode laser modules for Quantum applications to new levels. We will move from…
A European R&D project aims at developing space photonic components and sub-systems for the new telecom satellite…
Alter Technology TUV NORD LTD and Fraunhofer UK awarded further Innovate UK Grant Funding to develop miniaturised lasers…
DAN FRIEDLANDER offers us many answers about COTS in space, the New Space, and many more trends.
A K&S IConn ProCu PLUS ball bonder, supplied by Inseto, provides Alter Technology TÜV NORD UK with additional and…
Este servicio consiste en realizar los ensayos que varían de la norma EN 60950-1 a la EN 62368-1 por lo que el coste del…
The European semiconductor industry has been demanding low-cost plastic packaging for low to medium volumes. High volume…
Este curso, eminentemente práctico, dotará a los asistentes de los conocimientos y herramientas necesarias para poder…
iSIM-170, a high-resolution camera for Earth observation
The SATLANTIS iSIM 170 camera launched last week arrives today to the International Space Station
iSIM is a new…
Today we interview Manuel Domínguez, our group chief digital officer, who tells us about the Virtual Lab and other…
200cm is the safe distance that public health authorities recommend people should keep from one…
Did you know that we can perform the test of immunity DC and transient magnetic fields?
Consultancy for Coordinated Component Selection and for Test Plan, and Procurement for Test Components
Current exuberance of the New Space market is characterised among other factors by the use of COTS components and…
Shock Response Spectrum simulates the shock experienced by the satellite when the pyrotechnic element deploys
Alter Technology join fighting against COVID-19
We provide industry and other organizations with testing and validation…
The current situation generated by COVID-19 has obliged us to adopt exceptional measures at all scopes: personal, social…
Neptune structural model tests
During this week, we carried out the structural model qualification campaign of Neptune,…
ALTER TECHNOLOGY TÜV NORD obtained ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation to perform tests on assembled Printed Circuit Boards…
Workshop on the certification of alarm reception centres aimed at CRAS managers.
Certification process of an ARC in accordance with the European standard EN 50518:2019
Our company is changing its business name from HIREX ENGINEERING to ALTER TECHNOLOGY TÜV NORD FRANCE. The change will…
15th International School on the Effects of Radiation on Embedded Systems for Space Applications
En el marco del proyecto GRACE, Alter Technology está trabajado en el…
Alter Technology and the European Space Agency, hold on Seville one of the largest conference on electronic components…
The overall objective of VIZTA is to develop innovative technologies for optical sensors and laser sources, for short to…
Optocap is changing its business name from Optocap Ltd. to ALTER TECHNOLOGY UK
Students from the Seville University visited Alter Technology during WSW
This event will congregate the European Industrial Space Sector in Seville on 28 & 29 October 2019, just a few weeks…
The RADECS Conference is the annual European scientific and industrial forum on the effects of radiation on electronic…
The drone for maritime search and rescue operations
The primary goal of doEEEt.com is to provide the space community with a single place where all the needed information…
A delegation of the China Space Components Engineering Center visited us.
New program in the framework of EGNOS adoption for aviation.
Fraunhofer's laser design expertise and Optocap's manufacturing skills
Heatpack is the European effort to develop the next generation of low thermal resistance packages.
The laser, which is the size of a pack of playing cards, can be used in clocks and sensors
The workshop is focused on all aspects related to the usage of commercial of the shelf (COTS) components.
As a participant in a number of Innovate UK supported quantum technology projects, Optocap has applied its telecoms and…
Narrow linewidth lasers are a key enabling technology in diverse application areas
Come and see us at the LASER World of Photonics 2019 trade show in Munich, Germany on June 24th to 27th: Hall B2, booth…
High thErmAl efficiency componenTs PACKages for space
ALTER TECHNOLOGY provides a one stop shop service covering all quality assurance tests applicable to small satellites
ALTER TECHNOLOGY participates in groups related to regulation and testing rules in DRONEREGIM
The mission of this area is to throughly assess the reliability of materials and processes involved in the manufacturing…
Assessment of Commercial Components Enabling Disruptive space Electronics
A European R&D project aiming to develop the next generation low-C-SWAP lasercom modems enabling >50 Gb/s satellite…
The Kairos consortium combines the capabilities of ten companies and universities bringing their expertise in…
Optocap Ltd is pleased to be part of a UK consortium of leading scientific and engineering companies that has come…
ESCCON 2019, Wednesday 13-March-2019
Session 4, Industry 4.0; implications for Hi-rel components
A new research project aims to put the UK at the forefront of the next generation of millimetre wave wireless…
Are you at Photonics West this week?
A European R&D project aiming to develop the next generation low-C-SWAP lasercom modems enabling >50 Gb/s satellite…
7th Annual European Civil RPAS Operators & Operations Forum
Industry-led effort aims to develop four quantum instruments, each underpinned by photonics technology, within two…
This year we will focus the attention on several radiation effects aspects in different scenarios, research, high energy…
PowerPhotonic, Fraunhofer UK, Optoscribe and Optocap consortium awarded Innovate UK grant to develop miniaturised RGB…
Cutting-edge photon noise limited Lidar detection chain for future space missions and greenhouse gases detection
Join us for an exciting opportunity to learn about the latest developments in 3D electromagnetic simulation as insights…
Alter Technology will be exhibiting at the EuMW2018
Madrid, 23rd - 28th September
especially focused on operational functional and product safety
doEEEt.com, the only database of Hi-rel parts for use in space.
We guarantee the product safety from the conceptual design of the system, throughout its lifecycle with a suitable…
The objective of this activity is to examine the suitability of solid state fiber optic switches to meet future space…
The UPM Higher Technical School of Telecommunication Engineers (ETSIT-UPM) and ALTER TECHNOLOGY have signed a…
including WiFi, Bluetooth, Zigbee, Short Range Devices, RFID, TETRA
Balanced-to-Balanced Microstrip Diplexer Based on Magnetically Coupled Resonators
Compact Balanced-to-Balanced Diplexer Based on Split-Ring Resonators Balanced Bandpass Filters
The laboratory was significantly expanded and brought up to date with the latest technical standards.
These diodes were specifically designed for protection of solar cells arrays in solar panels mounted in satellites and…
The sector of remotely piloted air systems (RPAS), commonly known as drones, constitutes a market that has seen…
ALTER TECHNOLOGY technical secretariat for the group of notified bodies under the EMC Directive
ALTER TECHNOLOGY has been awarded a contract by INTA, through the Astrobiology Center, to develop an encapsulation,…
The chair is focused in the promotion of the educational work and research
Dirk Stenkamp (54) will take on the post of Chairman of the Board of Management of the TÜV NORD GROUP at the turn of…
ESA’s Rosetta mission has concluded as planned, with the controlled impact onto the comet 67P. The descent gave Rosetta…
ALTER TECHNOLOGY has begun activities for the procurement of the second European Service Module (ESM) for the NASA…