PA Support
The experience and technical knowledge achieved by ATN engineers in the last years is major lack for most space companies. Our engineering services help the customers to bring qualified manpower and engineering resources for space projects, especially in those units and projects in which a complex structure or functions are aimed. As an example of the applicability of this technical knowledge, we provide technical support as Parts Assurance (PA), either for a customer acting on his own or as the Prime Contractor reviewing subcontractors’ activity.
Currently we are working with several customers such as SENER (for projects EUCLID and PROBA-3), Antwerp Space (JUICE) or OHB (for MTG, Galileo 3rd batch and ELECTRA). Among others, we also performed this role in the past in the First and Second batch of Galileo, Sentinel-3 (OLCI and RAl instruments) and RPG (E-Sail).
In these projects, the parts engineers are responsible to ensure that all parts will meet the specific requirements of each project and they are suitable for the entire life mission. Some of the task performed as part of the engineering assessment are: review of documentation related to components, verification of compliance to product assurance requirements, check for compliance matrix for specific user/equipment, revision of DCLs (Declared Component List, as design and as built), PADs (Parts Approval Documents), Radiation analysis, Parts stress analysis, worst case analysis….. This activities are performed in different stages of the project and as applicable.
Furthermore, some of the documentation reviewed during this analysis are generic/detail specifications (mainly for those non standard and applicable for non qualified parts), amendments, technical notes, LAT/QCI reports, DPA, CSI inspection reports (precap, FSC), evaluation/screening plans and reports, Radiation verification test plan /reports, status of alerts and obsolescence, RFD/RFW (Request for deviations/Request for Waiver), NCRs.
ATN parts engineers attend to the PCB (Parts Control Board) on behalf of our customers and take the responsibility to approve the use of these components. They provide inputs in MRBs and any technical meeting/telecom as required.
The comprehensive experience of our parts engineers, with wide and long experience in this area is highly valued not only by the customers but also their direct contractors (such as ESA or SES) what ensures the recognition of ATN as a key player in the field of Parts Engineering of EEE Parts for space.